I knew it!
Dogs are a pest, and if you don’t believe me, just check out the latest article in the New York Times (a wordy and worthy newspaper that makes excellent cat litter box lining!)
You see, the wonderful humans at the NYT quoted a study done by human vet doctors.
They have found out that having a dog in the house may worsen the symptoms of children with asthma.
(For those of you who don’t know what that is, it involves a lot of wheezing, sneezing and heavy breathing on the part of young humans - it is really dangerous and the poor things suffer a lot.)
It seems that canines are somehow aggravating asthmatic responses to air pollution.
In households with cats, however, there was no detectable effect, the study reports.
No surprise there!
The cause of the effect is not clear to our bewildered humans.
“We think it’s probably not allergy to dogs, otherwise we would expect to see an effect of air pollution with cats,” said Dr. Rob S. McConnell, the lead author of the study and professor of preventive medicine at the University of Southern California.
“It’s the synergy between air pollution and dogs that makes the story.”
Well, we all know that dogs are responsible for a lot of pollution – and I am not only talking about their deposits on the sidewalk.
Heaps of them lack the elegance of Us Felines and are therefore guilty of what my Provider calls “visual pollution”.
(I think it’s a political correct word of calling someone damn ugly – heh, heh)
In short, let’s go for a clean planet and start with getting rid of all dogs!
1 comment:
Dear Bundy, my friend,
Oh, I SO sympathize with you!
Dogs! Ugh! Like you pointed out, ugly slobbering brutes.
How horrible that they chase imaginary rabbits in your territory.
Just shows you how stupid they are.
I agree - dogs never take catnaps....with all that useless energy flowing around, you would think that they would be in deep sleep at least 6 hours a day....
Pity dogs were not wiped out with the dinosaurs....
Your pal Samuel
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