Providers, as we cats all know, are quite dumb.
I often hear my Provider blab to another human that so-or-so has the attention span of a cat.
So what, I say? Who cares about the past? How long can we sustain ourselves on yesterday’s meals? Mmmm?
Humans have a fascination with the past, quite likely because they make such a mess of the present.
In a place called Caithness (located in a cat loving country called “Scotland”).
Humans used to build shelters there for dead Providers (called burial cairns) and ancient towers called brochs.
This was a long time ago, quite likely before they realized that it was all a bloody waste of time and effort.
Humans that are by profession something called archaeologists (all they do the whole day is dig, looking for all stuff and bones. A canine thing to do, and very uncatlike!
When humans don’t understand something, they come up with wild theories. I am puzzled about this – why use those brainwaves on non-food related activities?
Anyway, humans found animal remains in those cairn thingies and started theorizing about animal sacrifices and such. They also reconstructed one of those cairns to see how it functioned. As we cats know, life is a lot simpler that Humans think.
One of our fellow felines did the sensible thing – where better to hide your prey than among dead people in a nice, quiet, cozy cairn? That’s what happened, our unnamed hero M/F left a dead rabbit in the cairn to retrieve later.
The archeologist humans got all excited about it – not for the obvious reason that they wanted to feast on the tasty morsel, but because the cat was so clever and showed them, how the animal remains ended up in the burial place.
No fancy schmenzy rituals, just plain simple cat brainpower!
Sometimes I wonder what my Provider would do without my pearls of catwisdom…