I tell you, they are the weirdest mammals to grace this feline filled earth.
Take the Humans living in a country called “India”.
It seems to be a place far away and used to be part of England, which is in my book excellent, since Brits are the ultimate Cat Lovers.
Anyway, one time a Human who is a member of something called a “political party” , was surfing Internet (which I do daily as well!) and came across the name of Bush’s cat.
This cat is called “India”.
Indeed, a strange name.
Why should you name your cat after a country? I wouldn’t be seen snoozing with a name like Patagonia or Hawaii, no matter how nice those places might be.
The political party Human was really upset.
It seems it has something to do with religion.
As you all know, my view on religion is that you can worship Moi anytime, anywhere, so I don’t have a lot of patience with organized religion.
My Provider tried to point out to me that it is insulting for Hindus to name pets after their country, since dogs and cats are considered unclean.
Ha! That shows you how dense she is – I wash myself a lot that you very much!
I did some research (hey, I got bored and all that high tech stuff is rubbing off on me) and found out that the First Feline was named “India” after a former Texas Ranger baseball player nicknamed “El Indio”.
(For your information – baseball is an strange sport of throwing balls, hitting them and retrieving them – something that Providers should delegate to dogs).
The First Lady also claimed that the First Cat’s full name is “India Ink”, because of her color.
Personally, I am an admirer of India. It’s not often that a cat can create an international incident with her name only…Not bad for a cat lady that shared her premises with the Bush family for 10 years.
It seems that India is not living with the Bush Clan anymore.
So now, the Prez can quote the famous British saying (in his fake Texan accent) “that’s how we lost India.”